
Define simulation
Define simulation

  • A scaled representation of a physical object, such as a 1:18 diecast model of a Tesla, a clay model of a proposed packaging bottle, or a scale model of the solar system.
  • Most models can be classified into four basic types: They are a simplification because, for efficiency, reliability, and ease of analysis, a model should capture only the most important aspects of the real system. Models are an abstraction because they attempt to capture the realism of the system. ModelsĪ model is an abstracted and simplified representation of a system at one point in time. Or they can be more complex, such as supply chain operations composed of planning, selling, distribution, production, and sourcing subsystems. Systems can be mathematically straightforward, such as a flower growing in the soil and turning towards the sun to maximize photosynthesis. Over time, the activities and interactions of entities cause changes to the state of the system this is called system behavior or dynamics. They govern how the system operates and thus how the entities interact.
  • Operating policies - the types of controls and availability of resources - are the external inputs to the system.
  • Entities are involved in processes - activities in which they interact with each other.
  • Entities are the internal components of the system.
  • A system is a set of related components or entities that interact with each other based on the rules or operating policies of the system: The real world can be viewed as being composed of systems. But the word "model" does not always have the same meaning to business professionals, managers, scientists, and engineers. Systems, models, and simulationĪll professions use models of one form or another. As you add refinements, the model more closely imitates the real-life process. This "step-wise refinement" enables you to achieve good approximations of very complex problems surprisingly quickly. One of the principal benefits of a model is that you can begin with a simple approximation of a process and gradually refine the model as your understanding of the process improves. Models enable you to see how a real-world activity will perform under different conditions and test various hypotheses at a fraction of the cost of performing the actual activity. Simulation involves designing a model of a system and carrying out experiments on it as it progresses through time. Models in industry, government, and educational institutions shorten design cycles, reduce costs, and enhance knowledge.

    Define simulation how to#

    An efficient communication tool, modeling shows how an operation works and stimulates creative thinking about how to improve it. Simulation models are used to assess real-world processes too complex to analyze via spreadsheets or flowcharts, testing hypotheses at a fraction of the cost of undertaking the actual activities. With it, you can analyze, design, and operate complex systems. In-Depth Webinars to Advance ExtendSim Skills Water Management, Sustainability, & Environmental Modelingĭocumentation, Installation, & Other Docs Logistics, Supply Chains, & Transportation

  • Reliability Block Diagramming in ExtendSimĬhemical Engineering, Mining, & Process Flowsĭefense, Military, & Security Systems Modeling.

  • Define simulation